
Highly sensitive spark detector for detecting sparks, smouldering and hot particles under daylight.
- Optimal use in food and feed
- For product temperatures up to 60°C
- For direct installation in screw-in holder or welding holder with connection unit and Ex cable gland
- For direct connection to spark detection control consoles CC50xx / CC70xx
- Detector can also be operated with extraneous light
- Approved for application in ATEX zone Ex II 1/2D
Art. 5150004
- Art. 5150059 Screw-in bracket for spark detector DLD 1/8
- Art. 5150009 Purge air support DLD 1/8 Ex II 1 D (weldable)
- Art. 5150047 Weld-on bracket EX II 1D for DLD 1/8
- Art. 5150011 Control lamp, integrated in FM 1/8 or DLD 1/8

Highly sensitive detector for the detecting sparks, smouldering and hot particles in dark areas.
- Optimal use in food and feed
- For product temperatures up to 60°C
- Always used in pairs, opposite each other
- For direct installation in screw-in holder or weld-on holder with connection coupling and cable connector
- Connection via KELEX to spark detection control consoles CC50xx / CC70xx
- Approved for application in ATEX zone Ex II 1/2D
Art. 5150003
- Art. 5150007 Screw-in bracket Ex II 1 D for FM 1/8
- Art. 5150006 Weld-on bracket Ex II 1 D for FM 1/8 and TM 1/9
- Art. 5150011 Control lamp, integrated in FM 1/8 or DLD 1/8
- Art. 5150083 Purge air support for FM 1/8 EX II 1D (weldable)
- Art. 5150005 Terminal box KELEX Ex II 3/(1)D for zone 22
- Art. 5150069 Terminal box KELEX Ex II 2/(1)D for zone 21

Spark detector for rooms free of extraneous light for the detection of sparks and smallest glowing parts. For use at high temperatures.
- Used in restricted spaces where standard devices cannot be installed
- For product temperatures above 60°C up to max. 260°C
- For connection of max. 3 light conductors
- Connection via KELEX to spark detection control consoles CC50xx / CC70xx
- Approved for application in ATEX zone Ex II 1/2D
Art. 5150034
- Art. 5150095 Purge air support for light conductor sensors FM3/8 Ex II 1 D (weldable))
- Art. 5150037 Mounting bracket for light conductor (screw-in holder >200mm) Ex II 1D
- Art. 5150061 Weld-on bracket EX II 1 D for light conductors
- Art. 5150042 Control lamp, integrated in FM 3/8
- Art. 5150035 Light conductor length 1000mm Ex
- Art. 5150036 Light conductor length 2000mm Ex
- Art. 5150052 Light conductor length 3000mm Ex